Known Unknown New Hampshire

Known Unknown New Hampshire

Welcome to yet another wonderful Jookender Trip! This time, we're not going far away. We're driving just a little bit over 1.5 hour from Boston. Yet, based on the widely spreaded suggestions of what to visit in this state, many of the attractions we will honor during the trip, are ommited in facebook comments. Nevertheless, they are beautiful, tasty, and well-equipped with history and culture of that neighouring State of ours! Once you discover them, you'll be bringing your friends and visitors over and over again! You thought, you knew it all? Think again.

Independent with Jookender is our exclusive style trip, where we travel together, but each in its own transportation, stay together during the daily activities, but have a luxury to choose our own lodging at the end of the day. We do not want to overcharge you for the accomodation you'd never choose on your own. We only charge for the admissions and trip coordination, and let you deal with everything else on your own, based on your level of comfortability and family budget.

Return Policy: 100% return before July 10, 2019. No returns after that day, but the tour is fully transferable, in case you will find someone else to replace you.

At least 10 days prior to the tour, you will receive a full itinerary, with maps, arrival times, etc. You might want to group - 2-3 families in one car to make this experience more enjoyable. If we see that there are only 10-12 people on the trip, we might rent a van for all (with everyone's approval). The drives on this tours are easy and short.

New Hampshire is one of the most Scenic State in New England. Close or Far away, it has a lot to offer. Don't miss your chance to relax and make new Russian-Speaking Friends!

This Trip is focused on families, that have just dropped their kids to the overnight summer camps or colleges, and in need of warm care, friendly environment, and support. However, everyone welcomes. We only ask no kids under 7 years old, because some of the places we're going to are not allowing them in!

If you have any questions, please, email to Sasha

Registration Deadline July 19, 2019