Call for Vendors

Call for Vendors

Welcome to our Summer Fair!

The address is PRINDLE POND CONFERENCE CENTER, 19 Harrington Road, Charlton, MA 01507.

Once arrived, you will be redirected to your spot to unpack. Once unpacked, you need to move your car to the parking area. by 12 pm EST everyone must be unpacked. Please, do not be late. same is in the evening. You do not pack until the fair is over (at 6pm) and you have 2 hours to pack back and leave. The Coffee, Tea, and some snacks will be available in the Dining area. Upon registration and payment you will receive an email confirming your participation. We reserve the right to reject a vendor without an explanation reason. in this case, although, don't happen too often, your payment will be refunded in full within a week.

Call for Vendors Registration

Select your ticket

Discount: -Delete

Total: $0

A Service Fee equal $0.60 + 4% of the total amount will be added for each online transaction.
This fee covers our handling and PayPal/credit card fees.

Jookender Waiver – Call for Vendors

I, on behalf of my family (and all participants I include into my reservation), voluntarily sign this waiver and assumption of risk in favor of the Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc in consideration for the opportunity to use the owner’s facilities, the facilities rented by or given to Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc, or event set up for the Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc, that will take place June 17, 2023 .

I understand that there are certain risks and dangers associated with the activities and use of the facilities and that these risks have been fully explained to me. I fully understand the danger involved. I fully assume the risks involved as acceptable to our family members and other paticipants I personally register, and agree to use my best judgment in undertaking these activities and follow all safety instructions.

I waive and release Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc. from any claim for personal injury, property damage, or death that may arise from use of the facilities or from participation in the activities of Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc.

In regards to COVID-19, I will comply with

I am a competent adult and I assume these risks of my own free will.

Please, sign the document with your full legal name.