Ski against antisemitism and celebrate Hanukkah family retreat

Ski against antisemitism and celebrate Hanukkah family retreat

December 10 Schedule: If your tickets included a 4-hour skiing, you may start skiing at any time and have 4 consecutive hours. Look at the program and determine which activities you’d be OK to miss while skiing.

* The administration reserves the right to change this program without a further notice.

Keynote speaker 1 – Yael Magen - Understanding and Feeling October 7 (In English)

Together, we will understand the Israel-Palestine conflict through international law, rules of war, and human rights; share heartbreaking personal stories from the massacre on October 7; and acquire tools and actual next steps to help the participants educate the people around them to ensure a better and more peaceful world.

Yael Magen, Esq. is a speaker, lawyer, author, community activist, and advocate for human rights and fighting antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Currently working as a municipality attorney, supporting small and medium businesses and people in their legal needs in the estate, civil rights, and other legal matters. Since October 7 she has spoken in various capacities at local community events, TV, printed media, and part of “DiploAct” a delegation from Israel that honored their lost friends who died at the Nova music festival. as well as opened a head-quarter in her home facilitating different needs among various organizations and private people including helping soldiers who received a duty to call and doctors to return to Israel, social media advocacy, initiated rallies, supported local leaders that were in jeopardy due to their support of Israel, developed a security task force with cooperation with local police and more.

Keynote Speaker 2 – Maria Guinsburg – History and Traditions of Hanukkah and How It Has Affected the Jewish life in the Diaspora (in Russian)

История и традиции празднования Хануки, и идеологическое влияние этого события на еврейскую культуру во время жизни в диаспоре.

Мария Гинзбург. Родилась в Советском Союзе, в 1992 году иммигрировала в Израиль. В Израиле закончила подготовительную программу по истории Израиля и еврейской религии от Университета Бар Илан, и получила степень Техниона по архитектуре. Работала архитектором в Тель Авиве и Хайфе.

Сейчас практикует в области инновацийонных стратегий, облачных технологий, машинного обучения и искусственного интеллекта.

В свободное время продолжает изучать историю Израиля.

You’re invited! Please join us in celebrating the Festival of Lights, as we come together to share the joy of Hanukkah. It's a time for lighting the menorah, enjoying delicious traditional foods, and spending quality time with family and friends.

When: Sunday, December 10, 2023, from 9 am to 7 pm

Where: Wachusett Mountain Ski Area, Spruce Room (2nd Floor), 499 Mountain Rd, Princeton MA 01541

What's included: 2 meals (Lunch & Dinner), all snacks, all activities, and a lift ticket for the skier.

This year, we’re taking the celebration to another level – we’re creating an all-day family retreat! That’s just like our family camp but without the hassle of sleeping elsewhere. During the day, you will be:

  • Skiing if you ski on Mount Wachusett
  • Creating various arts & crafts (different difficulty projects for children and adults)
  • Participating in various Jewish discussions, especially on the topic of antisemitism
  • Welcoming the invited entertainment
  • And much, much more

For indoor activities, we will have a lovely spacious room with cathedral ceilings and a fireplace. Our space is fully accessible. The building has an elevator, and the Spruce Suite we're using has it's own, fully accessible restroom.

There will be two types of tickets: one for skiers and one for no skiers. The skier’s ticket included a 4-hour lift ticket. These 4 hours can be taken at any time during the day. You may start anytime, but once you start skiing, the ticket will be valid for 4 hours. Please note: the rentals and the extended day (8 hour-day) are extra and will be offered at a discounted rate during the reservation process. Please also note that there is no breakdown for adults and children tickets; the cost is the same as long as they choose a type for skiers and no skiers. Non-skiers’ children under three years old do not need a ticket. Other Adults and Children do need a ticket.

The celebration will occur on Sunday, December 10, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. You may come at any time you want during these hours to start your fun. We will have helping teens, so it’s possible to leave a child (age at least 4.5) for a few hours with us and go skiing.

So, what are you waiting for? Register now! Remember, both children and adults need tickets.

Ski against antisemitism and celebrate Hanukkah family retreat Registration

Family information

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Jookender Waiver – Ski against antisemitism and celebrate Hanukkah family retreat

I, on behalf of my family (and all participants I include into my reservation), voluntarily sign this waiver and assumption of risk in favor of the Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc in consideration for the opportunity to use the owner’s facilities, the facilities rented by or given to Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc, or event set up for the Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc, that will take place Sunday, December 10.

I understand that there are certain risks and dangers associated with the activities and use of the facilities and that these risks have been fully explained to me. I fully understand the danger involved. I fully assume the risks involved as acceptable to our family members and other paticipants I personally register, and agree to use my best judgment in undertaking these activities and follow all safety instructions.

I waive and release Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc. from any claim for personal injury, property damage, or death that may arise from use of the facilities or from participation in the activities of Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc.

In regards to COVID-19, I will comply with

I am a competent adult and I assume these risks of my own free will.

Please, sign the document with your full legal name.

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A Service Fee equal $0.60 + 4% of the total amount will be added for each online transaction.
This fee covers our handling and PayPal/credit card fees.