Q&A Session

Q&A Session

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Meeting ID: 863 4706 8434
Passcode: SE-2023

Social entrepreneurship programs are initiatives or educational offerings designed to support individuals and organizations that aim to create positive social and environmental impact while also sustaining themselves financially. These programs provide resources, guidance, and mentorship to aspiring social entrepreneurs, helping them develop, launch, and scale their ventures. Here are some key aspects of social entrepreneurship programs:

  • Education and Training: The social entrepreneurship program offers training and education in business planning, financial management, impact measurement, and leadership. Our program equips participants with the skills and knowledge to address complex social challenges.
  • Mentorship and Networking: Participants in social entrepreneurship program have access to experienced mentors and advisors who can provide guidance and support.
  • Funding: Our social entrepreneurship program offers access to micro-grants, seed funding, and investment opportunities. It also teaches participants how to secure funding from various sources.
  • Access to Impact Ecosystem: Social entrepreneurship programs can connect participants to a broader ecosystem of organizations, resources, and tools dedicated to social and environmental impact. This ecosystem includes nonprofits, impact-focused granters, government agencies, and more.
  • Field-Specific Focus: Our social entrepreneurship program is tailored to the Jewish sector, education and social justice. The program offers specialized support and expertise relevant to the field.
  • Measurement and Evaluation: Our program understands the importance of measuring and evaluating social impact. This helps social entrepreneurs demonstrate their effectiveness to granters and refine their strategies over time.
  • Sustainability and Scalability: Social entrepreneurship program stresses the importance of creating ventures that are both financially sustainable and scalable, ensuring long-term impact and growth.
  • Community and Peer Support: Building a supportive community of fellow social entrepreneurs can be invaluable. Our program encourages peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.
  • Ethical Considerations: Social entrepreneurship programs may address ethical considerations, emphasizing responsible business practices, transparency, and ethical decision-making.

If you're interested in participating in our social entrepreneurship program, please sign up until October 24. The first session begins on October 25th

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