Party Crew - Learn to Run Parties

Party Crew - Learn to Run Parties

This Event is happening in-Person, in Jookender-Framingham, at the address:
650 Worcester Rd., Unit 102, Framinigham, MA 01702

  • Do you have a Teenager at home?
  • Do you want your Teen to become more self-sustained and confident?
  • Get new friends and stop looking into their phone every second?
  • Learn new skills and start earning some $$?

In this highly interactive in-person class, students will learn to plan and execute great parties for various ages. We accept students from Grade 8th and above. During the year, they will be participating in a number of workshops that will prepare them for any situation during the party, whether it’s a homesick child or an accident that requires CPR and medical attention. They will also learn how to apply their skills in non-Jookender environment and how to make a standout resume or even start their own entertaining small business! We require each students to be available at least once a month on the weekend (either Sat or Sunday night) to help running our 2-3 hour events. The practice is paid and they will be making $40-$60 each time the sign up to run an event. In addition, they are welcome as teacher helpers during our one-day no school camps and earn up to $160 a day. The amount paid to sign up for the program will help Jookender to keep the space and bring all necessary tools and supplies for this program. This is a year-long program with plenty opportunity to make some $$. The students meet bi-Weekly, on Thursdays, at 650 Worcester Rd, Unit 102 (Jookender), Framingham, MA 01702, October through June. Most ready will receive a private invitation to work at the Jookender Day Camp during the Summer, making $$.

The enrollment is limited to 12 Students a year. Hurry up!