Пальмы на асфальте - Jookender Book Club

Пальмы на асфальте - Jookender Book Club

Purchase this book in Audio or Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Palms-Asphalt-Palmy-asfalte-Russian/dp/B073VZWHFQ

The Discussion on December 20th, will take place at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88392999207?pwd=aEFKNlpZWEcybGVhUFNKMHRjUDZkUT09
Meeting ID: 883 9299 9207
Passcode: Book2022

This event is free, but donations are welcome. Would you like to donate today?

Donation amount

(Please, do not add $ sign, the form won't work with it)
